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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #14 ~ Books I HAD to buy but are still on my shelves UNREAD

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

Top Ten Books I HAD To Buy...But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread

Most of my bookshelf contains books that are unread, it's really bad because I continuously buy books as they come out but because so many awesome books come out and so quickly I end up overloading so there are quite a few older books that I still haven't read that I really want to get to ASAP!

Most of the books mentioned below are series'. Despite not having read the first book in the series as soon as I've got one or two books from the series I must complete the series, it's just a strange quirk of mine. Anyhow, to my list...

2. Die for Me and Until I Die by Amy Plum

3. Beautiful Creatures Series by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

4. Guardians of the Gate and Circle of Fire by Michelle Zink

5. Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr

6. Evernight Series by Claudia Gray

7. The Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen (from Rumors onwards)

8. Strange Angels series by Lilli St Crow (from Betrayals onwards)

9. The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel

10. The Wolves of Mercy Falls box set by Maggie Stiefvater 

Next Week @ Top Ten Tuesday

Books I Recommend The Most


Cristal | Book Addict said...

I forgot about the Luxe series. I remember buying those when they first came out. It's amazing how fast you can forget about a book you wanted to read. Here is my TTT list on the Life & Times Blog.

Anonymous said...

I have the Michelle Zink books, too, and haven't read them! But I HAVE read the Wolves of Mercy Falls, which I liked.

Zeee @ I Heart Romance & Other Things said...

I"ve always wanted to read Roald Dahl's books!

Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

I also have had Shiver sitting on my shelf, unread, but I really want to get to it soon. I'll also need to get my hands on Linger and Forever.

alicia♥ said...

Haha, that's smart of you to list series! I have many sequels lying around unread and arghh it's frustrating how we can't read 10 books at once xD Roald Dahl was my childhood favourite though I'm not sure if I've read ALL his books, I loved the Revenants series and oh no, Shiver's up my list too haha!

Alicia @ Book a World
My Top Ten Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the Melissa Marr books, as well as the Strange Angels series. You've got some good reading ahead of you, eventually! Great list :)

Angela's Anxious Life said...

I have the book Evermore that has just been sitting on my shelf for a while too. I need to get around to reading it. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


Unknown said...

I have books that I haven't read and they've been on my shelf for years! And I recently bought two more and was gifted one, he let me choose. So I have three recent ones that I haven't been able to read. I used to finish them right after I bought them but since I've been choosing books for challenges and tours I haven't had time to pick up those I wanted to read because I liked them. I need a month off to get to them all. There are also series I want to finish, I wish I had money so I could buy all the books from my favorite series right away!

Unknown said...

I loved Raul Daul when I was younger - Matilda was my favorite book growing up. I didn't much care for Wicked Lovely, though . . . I've read better faery books.

Lola said...

Yes, the Linger series! I should have added that!

Anonymous said...

I've read your numbers 2, 4 and 10 and I love them! I hope you'll enjoy them, too! :) Good luck with your list and happy reading!

Here's my TTT


Jacque said...

You HAVE to read Die for Me and Until I Die. I LOVE Amy and her books are great. The final book in the series comes out this May, so you are just in time to read them and not have to wait. Here is my list:

Christina said...

Oh man, there are a lot of these series I didn't like at all, so I hope you enjoy them more when you get to them. You should totally dig into that Roald Dahl set. He's made of magic.

Synchronized Reading said...

Die FOr Me and Linger is just sitting as well! And I want to read quite a few of those, but I know if I buy them now, they'll be sitting as well. *sigh!


Unknown said...

I don't normally OMG...but OMG! You don't just have books to finish, you have entire series (series-es?). I loved 2/3 of the Maggie Stiefvater series, meh on Beautiful Creatures, and liked #1/meh on #2 of the Amy Plum series. Roald Dahl is always entertaining.

The rest I am not familiar with. Here's my list: Top Ten Tuesday

Audrey @ Ink and Page

Susan said...

My 11yo daughter has #1 and she's read through all the books so many times that they're falling apart. I haven't read Dahl in years and years, but she ADORES him. I hope you and I both get a chance to read through this set!

Liesel K. Hill said...

I read the first Beautiful Creatures book and really liked it. Still need to do the rest. And I really want to read the Luxe series as well! Great list. Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Tuesday!;D

LisaILJ said...

I've actually managed to own and read some of those series you mentioned, which is really rare for me. Except the Wicked Lovely series, which I own all of them, and have read none of them. Thanks for visiting my TTT.

LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

elena said...

I bought the Luxe series solely because of its covers! and it was super cheap. I've been meaning to read the Wolves of Mercy Falls for ages.

Crazybookworm said...

Beautiful Creatures made my list, too. I would LOVE to devour that Roald Dahl box set!!

Roald Dahl box set

lillylilac said...

Good list, I love the Wolves of Mercy series.

Anonymous said...

I read the first three books in The Immortals but I still need to read the rest! Great answer.

Thanks for stopping by my TTT
- Liz @ Night Sky Reviews

Jana said...

Thanks for visiting my TTT! You will LOVE the Shiver trilogy! It's one of my favorites. :) Maggie's writing is gorgeous. I also have the Die for Me books on my shelf unread. I'm scared of it, because I've read some bad reviews. And Evernight too! I need to read that one. :) Hope you enjoy all of them!

- Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

Brittany said...

Ooo, I want that Roald Dahl book set!

Read Write Reviews said...

The Shiver series is really good, you should try it soon!

My Top Ten!

Victoria Hooper said...

There are so many series there I want to try, especially the Shiver, Linger, Forever ones! :-)

Sonia said...

Ooh, Die For Me! I really enjoyed that book but haven't gotten past it in the series... hopefully I will soon! And I remember starting Evermore years and years ago... but I just fell out of love with the series and lost my enthusiasm somewhere along the way. I think I stopped after book... 4? I hope you'll get to read some of these soon, Angelica! <3

Michelle said...

That Ronald Dahl set looks sweet!!! I need it!! And today at the book store I saw a John Green Boxed set that I want... boxed sets are awesome! You have a lot of cool books here, I hope you get to read them all!

Thanks for stopping by My TTT :)

Fireflywishes said...

I would die for that Roald Dahl boxed set - so awesome! I've read a lot of his books over the years but I want to eventually read everything he ever wrote. :D

I still have Evermore (and the rest of the series although I don't own them) to read. Same for Die For Me, Beautiful Creatures, and Luxe! :D

I hope you love them when you read them :D
April @ My Shelf Confessions

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

I like to finish series too no matter what. Still haven't read the Beautiful Creatures books either, but the movie was pretty good. Hope you get a chance to read those books soon!

Eve said...

Beautiful Creatures was meh for me and I haven't read the rest of the series, but I hope you enjoy it. The Mercy Falls Wolves books are good, but the unsatisfying ending to the trilogy was infuriating. And I've wanted to read Strange Angels for such a long time, but never got around to doing it.

Aylee said...

I'm right there with you - a lot of mine are older books that I have been dying to get to but can't find the time! I am SO jealous of that Roald Dahl Box Set, by the way! I would like to have that one for my shelf. Though of course, it would probably go unread for a long while... Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog earlier!

Unknown said...

I have the Luxe, Wicked Lovely, and the Revenants series all on my TBR list. I liked The Wolves of Mercy Falls ok and I just finished the first Beautiful Creatures book.


Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

Stella Chen said...

Love your blog design! Get on those Roald Dahl books right now, missy!

Lynn @ Books on the Bay said...

Do you have the entire boxed set of Beautiful Creatures? I'm so jealous! Good luck with your list!

erinlee20 said...

Great list! I didn't love the end of the Amy Plum series but the Evernight series has been on my list for a while.

Fic Fare TTT

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

You've got so many series on my TBR! The only one that I've actually purchased and that sorely disappointed me was Beautiful Creatures. Since I already purchased them, I guess I'll get around to the other three one of these days.

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

~Sara @ Just Another Story said...

I also have the Roald Dahl box set- but I haven't read anything new from it yet- tsk tsk tsk. I hope you get to finish some of those series you mentioned soon.

Happy Reading.

Anonymous said...

If I see a book that I sort of want to read on special - I have to have it. Then I have to buy the rest of the series :P

The Immortals, Evernight and Wicked Lovely are all series I have on my shelves and haven't started... I'll get there one day.

I just finished the first two Reverants books by Amy Plum - I really enjoyed them. The Paris element just made me want to travel there even more than I did beforehand.

Hope you have a fantastic week!

Kate Maxwell said...

Quite a few box sets there! I also want to read the Beautiful Creatures books. I really enjoyed The Luxe series - quick read and totally grabbed me. One day I *will* read The Book Thief! Thanks for stopping by my site!

Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

OMG Die For Me and the Caster Chronicles I have only read the first book and nothing more. lol I'm always behind on series. I hope you get to read some of these soon! :)

Thanks for stopping by my post!

~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

Just a Lil Lost said...

Ahh!! Good call on Until I Die! I've read Die For Me just before the 2nd one came out and I still haven't gotten a chance to get to the sequel yet...

I really enjoyed the Luxe series! I think I only have the 4th book left to read..

Great list :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier this week!

Michele | TTT

Lyn Kaye said...

You have some popular titles, waiting for your love!


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