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Friday 8 March 2013

Review ~ Surrender by Rhiannon Paille {Giveaway}

Welcome to my stop of The Ferryman & The Flame Series by Rhiannon Paille, hosted by XPresso Book Tours. Read on for my review of Surrender, the first book in The Ferryman & The Flame series and read till the end for your chance to enter a fantastic giveaway. 

For your chance to win an ebook copy of Surrender, Lantern & Poison and Justice please comment on this post and let me know what you think of The Ferryman & The Flame Series you like it? Would you do anything differently? Anything at all about the covers...easy! I just want to spread the love of this amazing series. 

Please follow the remaining stops, tour schedule can be found here

About The Series

The Ferryman & The Flame 

by Rhiannon Paille


Series - The Ferryman & The Flame #1
Published - October 2, 2012

Book Description

How far would you go to save everything you ever loved? 

Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman. One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn't listen, and because of what she is-- a Flame-- one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war. In a desperate attempt to save her home and her love, Kaliel tries to awaken Avred, not knowing she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Surrender (The Ferryman and the Flame, #1)

Lantern & Poison

Series - The Ferryman & The Flame #1.5
Published - December 11, 2012

Book Description

This is SURRENDER from the villain's POV. 

Hadwen is no more. The Daed have no choice but to travel to Avrigost to awaken Crestaos. They're thrown into a whirlwind quest for the Flames, not knowing how ruthless and sadistic Crestaos can be. 

Meet Isadora The Iolite Flame, Lotesse The Emerald Flame, Cossisea The Ruby Flame, Shezeel The Quartz Flame and Tiki The Carnelian Flame in this novella that dives deeper into Kaliel and Krishani's nightmare.

Lantern & Poison (The Ferryman + The Flame #1.5)


Series - The Ferryman & The Flame #2
Published - January 22, 2013

Book Description

How far would you go to destroy yourself? 

Krishani always knew he would have to go to the Lands of Men, but he never thought it would be like this. Enemies everywhere, an ancestor he can't respect, elders he can't trust, a curse he can't stop and friends he can't help but hate. Desperate to end the pain, he sets out on a quest to find the other Flames and face the enemy that took everything from him.

Justice (The Ferryman and the Flame, #2)

Blood & Gold 

Series - The Ferryman & The Flame #2.5
Expected Release Date - June 2013

Book Description

This is JUSTICE from the villain's POV. 

The Daed are pawns to one of the most powerful members of the Valtanyana. Crestaos is insane, his hunger for the Flames insatiable. The closer the Daed get to achieving his goal, the more expendable they become.

Blood & Gold (The Ferryman + The Flame #2.5)

Paperback Princess Review

Surrender by Rhiannon Paille, the first book in The Ferryman & The Flame Series was absolutely amazing! The world creation was fantastic, the characters were unique and likeable and the story was really dimensional. It was not an easy read, you must be paying a great amount of attention as Paille created her own vocabulary, but I loved the world that she created. Rhiannon Paille took readers into a journey of her world, and I love that! 

Kaliel, The Flame, and Krishani, The Ferryman are both destined to marry the lands. They both have a pre-destined position to fill and they have no choice in the matter. In their world, love is not as important as their positions, they fill a greater purpose in life. So when they first met and was instantly infatuated with each other, most can draw the conclusions that this love affair would not turn out well.

I cannot even fathom how I will word this review. There are so many fantastic, memorable and magical moments through the book and I love the book for so many reasons that I just don't know where to begin! Even if I do begin, there are no amount of words that can describe the beauty of Paille's words and the magical creation of her world. Rhiannon's writing was absolutely amazing, descriptive, poetic and just beautiful. 

Rhiannon also takes her Readers in a journey, exploring the world that she created. The world creation is magical, distinctive and creative. I'm impressed with all the details and concept that she came up with. I am even more amazed at how well she put everything together, the poetical words, the magical world and the beautiful despite conflicted characters into one beautiful story. 

I did have two complaints and one being the instant-love that plagues many Young Adult novels recently and lastly, there were parts of the book, most especially towards the beginning that felt was unnecessary and slightly dragged out. Whilst I did love the in-depth description through the book, there were some parts that I felt did not need as much attention as other parts, alas, that's my thoughts and Paille may have had a reason behind it. 

Surrender by Rhiannon Paille is absolutely amazing and I love the journey that Paille took me through. The world that she thrusts her Readers into it, from the very first page is one that many will love. Each page was an exciting read and the cliffhanging ending will have you wanting more. 

Loved It ~ A Must Read!!!

About The Author 

Rhiannon Paille 

Rhi is the weird one in the red lipstick. She writes Young Adult Fantasy, Dystopian, Urban Fantasy and sometimes Contemporary. When she's not writing she's reading minds, singing karaoke, and burning cookies. You can find her sipping iced cappuccino at

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