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Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Playboy Pet Beds
4:57 pm | Posted by
Being a dog and Playboy-design lover I am ecstatic at seeing these beds at my local pet store! It's the combination of two of my loves rolled into one. Now my dog can enjoy the stylish and sassy designs of Playboy too. I was quite surprised when I first saw it, but in hindsight, this was something inevitable considering the girls from the Playboy mansion all have multiple pets.
Now anyone that knows me well-enough would've thought that upon seeing these beds, regardless of price, that I would've jumped into purchasing at least one. Yes you read right, at least one, but believe it or not, and pick your jaws up from the floor people...I haven't "as yet" purchased one.
Unfortunately for my pet...ok fine! Unfortunately for ME, my spoilt lil queen of a pup not only has one but she's got two beds. One is for the lounge room, which is the same design as my lounge (brown suede) and the other is for the bedroom, which is a vet-recommended, Snooza branded bed, specifically made for their frail back bones. Not to mention the little outdoor bed/swing we bought for her for the backyard, which has never been used by MY pet! It's been used by pets, but not mine.
So I sit here waiting, waiting for something to give, either one of her beds...which I seriously doubt or my nagging and impatient personality...more than likely.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
I Luv Google
5:56 am | Posted by
All jokes aside, I initially opened my Google account to use GMail. This is my first "Google" experience, aside from the well renowned Google Search and I'm impressed with the introduction. GMail is so intuitive, fast, clean interface, tagging (what an invention right) and lets not mention the search function...after all it is Google.
However, that's just the start, there were several features that I liked from Yahoo Mail that I didn't get from GMail, but what prevented the move was Google's collaboration. They have created Google Docs, Calendar, desktop, Maps, Reader, GTalk, iGoogle, Picasa not to mention this wonderful blogging software we have; Blogger and much more accessible from any of your Google apps. Now with everything in one place why would you go anywhere else? They have become the Apple in the Web front...and we all love Apple don't we? Well I do anyway.
I haven't used all the Google apps long enough to know nor to be able to make an efficient-enough review on the matter, but for those like myself, that enjoy everything coordinating together Google is your answer. Many tech-minded people have also jumped on the Google bandwagon, once recommending local applications installed in your computer, are now recommending Google apps instead...that surely must state something.
A newly announced Google Sites has been added to the listing, allowing people to have their own website, all these apps available through Google are also all FREE! Everyone loves wonderful freebies!
Friday, 25 July 2008
New Facebook
1:55 pm | Posted by
The New Facebook is quite pleasing to the eye, it has included tabs for; home, profile, friends, inbox and application pages and within those menus tabs are also used, which makes for easy navigation. These 'main' menus are easily accessible regardless of which page you are in, within your Facebook account, located as unobtrusively as possible at the top section of the page.
The right of the page now consists of a side bar which includes miniature menus, where you are able to view Status updates, friends search, bookmarks, requests and notifications and a few more. These menus only show a few of each topic/subject eg. it shows only x amount of the applications you have attained under the heading "Bookmarks" this is terrific for those of us that do not want to view the hundreds of apps that particular friend has downloaded, however, if you do want to know what applications they have, you can expand and an offer to "see all" is available in all headings.
The rest of the page (larger portion) consists of the News feed. You are now able to edit settings for the News feed and choose which information you want to be notified off and which you simply do not care to know about. You are also able to add information to your own and I'm quite sure to others' news feed as well, it's called "Publisher" and includes "upload photo", "share a link" and "write a note".
When accessing Publisher it goes into another page where your wall is viewed beneath it, there is now a wall filter, where you can view your wall and edit/erase items you don't want on there. You also have the options to view the Wall with posts by you, made by others and all posts.
The profile page consists of tabs as well; Wall, Info, Photos and allows you to add tabs for the applications of your choice. There are some applications, such as my "friends collage" that was already included in the tab, labeled "Boxes".
My favourite and I believe the main changes applied to the New Facebook is the new customisability options that they have made available, allowing us, the owners of each account to be able to edit our pages, to show and disclose the information we want disclosed and to hide those that aren't as important to us, ie. in my case useless apps.
That's the few things that I've observed in less than 5 minutes of browsing through it. The new interface looks a lot cleaner, neater and tidier and I am personally loving it! Check it out!
At the moment the New Facebook is addressed as yes I know very original, but I don't know when they will make the permanent change, or if they will keep this "new" at the start of the URL, but it is a definite improvement and since its still in its beta stages we can expect a few more tweaking before it becomes the default setting, so stay tuned and watch out for any more changes they may make to the already improved Facebook!
Email Address Overload
12:16 am | Posted by
Ok I seriously had a major Email address overload...well so I thought. I had:-
1. Hotmail - first and primary email address for a very long time with my complete name as my address + MSN instant messaging.
2. Yahoo - Yahoo Instant Messaging + Website/forum/etc registrations + shopping catalogues etc.
3. GMail - Was to take over my Hotmail as my primary address, this was to be shared with my non-techy boyfriend.
4. Internet Service Provider - don't really use this address.
5. Wireless Internet Service Provider - don't even know what the address is...don't use this.
6. .Mac - for when I tried the .Mac for a month, haven't kept the service so unsure if that's still my address.
7. Hiptop - came with my Hiptop.
8. YMail - New and will now be my new primary address for professional and personal use. That's all that I can currently remember.
Now that's EIGHT!!! I don't really receive that many emails to begin with, especially since unsubscribing from a whole heap of sites recently, as part of my "clean up". Thinking that I'm seriously messed up with that many email addresses, I searched...Google ofcourse nonetheless...and found that this is actually quite the norm. Imagine my surprise!
I found "Taming Email" with an article entitled: "How many email addresses do you need" by Leo. The article states you need 3 email addresses, preferably 3 different accounts at that.
1. Private - Top security and only VERY trusted people to gain the invite to this address.
2. Public - Give this to places that you want to actually contact you. Eg. Forums you frequent, shopping catalogs you want to receive plus those acquaintances you meet at forums or those that need to contact you but you don't really know them well enough. This is for "semi-trusted" people, not spam senders but not VERY trusted.
3. Throwaway - self explanatory and for those untrusted sites and website registrations you do not want to receive mail from.
So upon reading this article, I decided that I would consolidate to TWO email addresses to use and just keep one for backup.
GMail - Semi-Personal & Spam & Misc + MSN Instant Messaging ID...thanks to Live Passport
YMail - Personal & Professional + Yahoo Instant Messaging ID
Hotmail - I kept this but won't be using it for quite awhile as I was receiving way too many spam, only kept it cos it had my full name so I thought why not...this won't be getting used though...for now.
Therefore, I'm now the proud owner of an unscattered set of the search begins with which is the best webmail and/or email client to use with my new consolidated email addresses...stay tuned for my reports on that.
Anyway, I'm curious to know how many email addresses do you have? What do you use it for? Do you use all of it? New to the blogging scene, so don't know how to do a poll.
1. Hotmail - first and primary email address for a very long time with my complete name as my address + MSN instant messaging.
2. Yahoo - Yahoo Instant Messaging + Website/forum/etc registrations + shopping catalogues etc.
3. GMail - Was to take over my Hotmail as my primary address, this was to be shared with my non-techy boyfriend.
4. Internet Service Provider - don't really use this address.
5. Wireless Internet Service Provider - don't even know what the address is...don't use this.
6. .Mac - for when I tried the .Mac for a month, haven't kept the service so unsure if that's still my address.
7. Hiptop - came with my Hiptop.
8. YMail - New and will now be my new primary address for professional and personal use. That's all that I can currently remember.
Now that's EIGHT!!! I don't really receive that many emails to begin with, especially since unsubscribing from a whole heap of sites recently, as part of my "clean up". Thinking that I'm seriously messed up with that many email addresses, I searched...Google ofcourse nonetheless...and found that this is actually quite the norm. Imagine my surprise!
I found "Taming Email" with an article entitled: "How many email addresses do you need" by Leo. The article states you need 3 email addresses, preferably 3 different accounts at that.
1. Private - Top security and only VERY trusted people to gain the invite to this address.
2. Public - Give this to places that you want to actually contact you. Eg. Forums you frequent, shopping catalogs you want to receive plus those acquaintances you meet at forums or those that need to contact you but you don't really know them well enough. This is for "semi-trusted" people, not spam senders but not VERY trusted.
3. Throwaway - self explanatory and for those untrusted sites and website registrations you do not want to receive mail from.
So upon reading this article, I decided that I would consolidate to TWO email addresses to use and just keep one for backup.
GMail - Semi-Personal & Spam & Misc + MSN Instant Messaging ID...thanks to Live Passport
YMail - Personal & Professional + Yahoo Instant Messaging ID
Hotmail - I kept this but won't be using it for quite awhile as I was receiving way too many spam, only kept it cos it had my full name so I thought why not...this won't be getting used though...for now.
Therefore, I'm now the proud owner of an unscattered set of the search begins with which is the best webmail and/or email client to use with my new consolidated email addresses...stay tuned for my reports on that.
Anyway, I'm curious to know how many email addresses do you have? What do you use it for? Do you use all of it? New to the blogging scene, so don't know how to do a poll.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Shopaholic Series
11:43 pm | Posted by
I've nearly completed the Shopaholic series (5 in the series) by Sophie Kinsella. My initial gravitation towards the book was the title; as I too am a bit of a shopaholic and enjoy such chick lit books. I must say that these books were great and thoroughly enjoyed how the series documented the life of one woman through her growth, much like what I'd like to do with this blog. Looking forward to reading more of her books (not included in the series) including the latest, Remember Me, and Undomestic Goddess and Can you keep a secret.
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