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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #15 ~ Books I Recommend The Most

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

  1. On The Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta 
  2. The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld
  3. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
  4. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
  5. Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
  6. Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
  7. Saving June by Hannah Harrington
  8. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak
  9. Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier
  10. The Bride Stripped Bare by Nikki Gemmell

* Linked to Goodreads 

Next Week @ Top Ten Tuesday

Characters I would crush on if I was also a Fictional Character


Anonymous said...

Hi, Angelica! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
Prophecy of the Sisters is outside my usual genre but I really enjoyed it. I keep seeing The Book Thief in today's lists, I think I really need to read it. ^_^

Julie Books and Insomnia

Petra said...

I know that many people love books by Maria V. Snyder, I have to finally read some, too! :)
Nice list!

Kathryn said...

I loved the Uglies series too! I really need to read The Book Theif; so many people recommend it.

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Enjoy Little Blue Envelopes. :)

Kathryn x

Chantelle said...

Great choices! I can't believe I forgot the book thief! That book was so impacting.

Katrina @ Bookish Things said...

I really need to finish the Uglies series. Many of the books you have listed are on my Kindle waiting to be read. There's just not enough time in the day!

Tanja - Tanychy said...

I'm so happy to see Jellicoe and The Night Circus on your list too :) Saving June and The Book Thief are also fave of mine! :)
Great list and thanks for stopping by!
Happy reading :)

Aleksandra said...

Yay for The Book Thief & The Night Circus (both are on my TTT), and I loved Saving June, too & enjoyed a lot Uglies, although I still haven't finished the series. The rest are all on my TBR, so great top 10!

Anonymous said...

I keep meaning to read The Night Circus. It has been on my "to read" list for months now.

Anonymous said...

Great list! The Night Circus is a popular choice this week, such a lovely book. Also enjoyed Rebecca, I've been meaning to re-read it again xD

My (slightly modified) TTT

Farah said...

I can't believe I haven't read On the Jellicoe Road. SOOO gonna read that soon now that you reminded me ;) Great list! :D

Here's my Top 10

Read Write Reviews said...

I love Poison Study and all of the Maria V. Snyder novels!

My Top Ten Tuesday!

Ciska said...

Great top ten, I see we share some of the books we love!

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVED The Uglies Series and The Book Thief! Great list:))

Trish @ Between My Lines said...

Thanks for stopping by my list earlier. Following you now on GFC :)

Great list, really have to get around to reading The Book Thief and The Night Circus. They are too long on my tbr list! Love Rebecca.

Amy Shaw said...

I do love Rebecca! I'm seeing The Book Thief on a lot of lists.
- Amy,

Dina @ DinaRuns said...

Great list!
I love The Uglies series. Born Wicked is my favorite book from 2012 and one that I think is very underrated.

Anonymous said...

Great list! Born Wicked, Uglies, and The Book Thief are all favorites of mine as well.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

Katrina @ Bookish Things said...

Thanks for stopping by. I fixed the post. I'm not sure what happened.

Unknown said...

Thanks Everyone for stopping by! I've commented back on all your blogs, haven't bothered to do it on my blog as I can't get the threaded comment working :(

Have a great week and see you all next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Uglies and The Book Thief (especially the latter) are amazing! I've heard such great things about On the Jellicoe Road and Born Wicked sounds really good.


Tin said...

Yay for The Book Thief! I have Jellicoe on my TBR, I'm excited for that especially since I liked Saving Francesa. I have yet to try Hannah Harrington as well. And I have been hearing good things about Night Circus too. Must try them soon. :) Thanks for stopping by my post!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of the books on your list except The Night Circus, but I'm having so much fun finding out about all these other gems! I'm definitely going to pick up The Book Thief some time soon! Thanks for all of the recs and stopping by my TTT! =)

Carmen B. said...

Ohh, great picks! I've seen Jellicoe Road around quite a lot! And I have copies of Rebecca and The Book Thief on my shelf but haven't gotten to them yet :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I have heard very good things about The Book Thief. I really should pick it up.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT


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