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Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Lee Jeans + Brown Boots

Seriously no need to make me feel bad, I know, I've broken my supposed spending "ban" and I honestly feel sooooo bad about it, but as most will know, once you find a good sale you just have to excuse yourself from such a ban...right? I'm hoping about now I'm getting a "yeehah" or "hallelujah" from my readers. 

So I bought 2 x Supertube Lee Jeans both in blue AND I got my Spoilt Brown Boots!!! I went to the Lady at the store and said (and this is no joke, this is seriously what I said to her):"This is your last pair in a size 5, I'm willing to offer you $40 for it because I got the black version from ... (another nearby suburb) for $30, want to sell it to me or not?"

Sales Lady got on the phone contacted her Boss and said Boss agreed immediately stating that winter is now coming to an end, damn now that I think about it I should've offered $30 and went from there, I probably could've gotten it for $30. Nonetheless, I managed to get my brown boots and I'm one happy chicky. 

Pics will follow of my 3 new additions.



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