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- Library Jumpers by Brenda Drake ~ Cover Reveal
- Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn ~ Cover Reveal
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- Armchair BEA ~ Introductions + TBR Rainbow
- Friday Blogger Hops {Feature & Follow Friday + Boo...
- Review ~ Eleanor & Park {Book Twirps Read-along Ch...
- Top Ten Tuesday #23 ~ Wild & Wacky (Book Related)
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- Library Jumpers by Brenda Drake ~ Cover Reveal
- Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn ~ Cover Reveal
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- Friday Blogger Hops {Feature & Follow Friday + Boo...
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Sunday, 31 May 2015
YA Blast!
10:30 pm | Posted by
I was insanely thrilled when I heard about this new and fantastic service for all YA lovers out there! I was even more excited when I got the opportunity to help promote this magnificent service.
So without further ado...I'd like to introduce the YA Blast!
Y.A. Blast is a free email newsletter featuring--you guessed it--all Y.A. books, all the time. Just sign up here, and we'll start sending you the latest, greatest Young Adult book recommendations (and some oldies but goodies). Why would we do such a thing? We have hearts of gold. We might also be insanely obsessed with Y.A. books, and love to share that enthusiasm with the reading world. Don't have time to scrounge through pages upon pages of eBook listings, looking for that perfect next read? Let us do the legwork for you. Of course, we'll try to find good deals. But first and foremost, we'll be looking for that next great book we'd want to read too!
Just remember it's free and it only takes a few clicks to subscribe...if after a few emails you realise it's just not for you, the books being recommended is not to your taste or your just not enjoying the service, it only takes a few clicks to unsubscribe, so there's really nothing to loose by giving YA Blast a try, you never know, it may unearth your all-time favourite YA book or introduce you to your best-ever fiction crush.
YA Blast!
Website | Facebook | Twitter
Sunday Post #7
2:00 pm | Posted by
Sunday Post is a weekly feature hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reviewer. It's main purpose is similar to that of a Sunday newspaper; recap of the week gone by, additions to your library and what is going on in the book blogging community.
Addition to my Library
For Review
Blog Recap
Cover Reveals
Around The Blogosphere

The Armchair BEA took place, it was for those of us unfortunate souls that couldn't participate in the real BEA at NYC. This was such a fantastic event, click here for my Introduction post.
I signed up for the COYER Scavenger Hung which is taking place between June 20th through to September 4th. If you'd like to participate click on the button above, here's my participation post.
Get ready for the Bloggiesta! I absolutely love this event and it's a pity that this one is only running for two days, June 13 - 14th. Bloggiesta's main purpose is to bring Bloggers together to do some housekeeping to their blogs. It's a fantastic event, so check it out by clicking on the link or button above. Stay tuned for my Bloggiesta participation post soon.
Sunday Post
Friday, 29 May 2015
Library Jumpers by Brenda Drake ~ Cover Reveal
9:06 pm | Posted by
I am quite excited for this book, it had me at "library" and with this FANTASTIC and AMAZING cover how can you not want to read it? I'm so glad there's a widget counter cos I'm excited about reading this book, and it's definitely one that I will need a printed copy of, just for the cover alone. I know, I know...don't judge a book by it's cover and all that, but come on, it has "library" on it's title, how can a book about libraries go wrong? Ok I'll stop with the fangirling, but if you think it's just as AWESOME as I do, then add a counter widget below to your blog.
Cover Reveal
Library Jumpers
by Brenda Drake
Release Date: January 5, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys than kiss them. That is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly disappears. While examining the book of world libraries he abandoned, Gia unwittingly speaks the key that sucks her and her friends into a photograph and transports them into a Paris library, where Arik and his Sentinels—magical knights charged with protecting humans from the creatures traveling across the gateway books—rescue them from a demonic hound.
Jumping into some of the world's most beautiful libraries would be a dream come true for Gia, if she weren’t busy resisting her heart or dodging an exiled wizard seeking revenge on both the Mystik and human worlds. Add a French flirt obsessed with Arik and a fling with a young wizard, and Gia must choose between her heart and her head, between Arik's world and her own, before both are destroyed.
About The Author
Brenda Drake
Brenda Drake, the youngest of three children, grew up an Air Force brat and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother’s animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. So it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical. When Brenda’s not writing or doing the social media thing, she’s haunting libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops or reading someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).
Cover Reveal
Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn ~ Cover Reveal
8:36 pm | Posted by
Forget Tomorrow
by Pintip Dunn
Release Date: November 3, 2015
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Imagine a world where your destiny has already been your future self.
It's Callie’s seventeenth birthday and, like everyone else, she's eagerly awaiting her vision―a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they're meant to be. A world- class swimmer. A renowned scientist.
Or in Callie's case, a criminal.
In her vision, she sees herself murdering her gifted younger sister. Before she can process what it means, Callie is arrested and placed in Limbo―a hellish prison for those destined to break the law. With the help of her childhood crush, Logan, a boy she hasn’t spoken to in five years, she escapes the hellish prison.
But on the run from her future, as well as the government, Callie sets in motion a chain of events that she hopes will change her fate. If not, she must figure out how to protect her sister from the biggest threat of all—Callie, herself.
About The Author
Pintip Dunn
When my first-grade teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I replied, “An author.” Although I have pursued other interests over the years, this dream has never wavered.
I graduated from Harvard University, magna cum laude, with an A.B. in English Literature and Language. I received my J.D. at Yale Law School, where I was an editor of the YALE LAW JOURNAL.
I published an article in the YALE LAW JOURNAL, entitled, “How Judges Overrule: Speech Act Theory and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis,” and received the Barry S. Kaplan Prize for best paper in Law and Literature.
I am represented by literary agent Beth Miller of Writers House. I'm a 2012 Golden Heart® finalist and a 2014 double-finalist. I'm a member of Romance Writers of America, Washington Romance Writers, YARWA, and The Golden Network.
This event is presented to you by
Cover Reveal
Friday Hop ~ Book Blogger and Feature & Follow
10:00 am | Posted by
Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer
Can you read in a room with noise or do you need total quiet?
(Suggested by Elizabeth from Silver's Reviews)
Book Blogger Hop,
Feature and Follow Friday
Thursday, 28 May 2015
10:02 pm | Posted by
COYER (Clean Out Your Ebook Reader) is a twice per annum event hosted by Fantasy Is More Fun, Because Reading and Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!. It's a season-worth of fun stuff such as Scavenger Hunts, Readathons and Twitter chats. Click on the link #COYER or the banner above for all the official stuff like the rules, giveaways and schedule.
I will be updating this post as the event goes along, but for now...
My Goals
- Participate in the Scavenger Hunt and knock out at least 10 categories
- Participate in 2 Read-a-thons
- Read 20 books average of 2 per week
- Be supportive - 20 blogs/comment/tweet per week
- Participate in one Twitter Chat
- Participate in one of the Social Media Fun per week
The first Read-a-thon for COYER is the "Red, White or Blue" to commemorate the 4th of July Independence Day for the United States. So pick books that have Red, White OR Blue in the cover and a short review to enter in the Rafflecopter giveaway. For all the official stuff including rules and how to get bonus round points click here or the event button above.
COYER has started a few weeks ago and I haven't been participating as much as I had hoped, I had entered a few of the social media fun but I haven't been as supportive, I've achieved my reading of 2 books per week, but I haven't cross-listed it off my COYER list, so I don't know how many points I've gained as yet.
I've been very busy, since COYER began I've had a funeral, two birthdays and one week of school holidays, but I should be getting a bit more time now, so I will endeavour to change my lack of participation, starting with this Read-a-thon!
Saturday July 4th
Books Read
Don't Ever Change by M. Beth Bloom
Pages Read Today = 128 pages
Total Books Finished = 1
Sunday July 5th
Books Read
Total Books Finished = 1
Total Pages Read = 180 pages
Monday July 6th
Books Read
Total Books Finished = 1
Total Pages Read = 233
Tuesday July 7th
Books Read
Confessions of a Queen B by Crista McHugh = 55 pages
Confessions of a Once Fashionable Mum by Giorgia Madden = 17 pages
Pages Read Today = 72
Confessions of a Once Fashionable Mum by Giorgia Madden = 17 pages
Pages Read Today = 72
Total Books Finished = 2
Total Pages Read = 305
Wednesday July 8th
Books Read
Total Books Finished = 2
Total Pages Read = 417
Thursday July 9th
Books Read
Pages Read Today
Total Books Finished
Total Pages Read
Friday July 10th
Books Read
Pages Read Today
Total Books Finished
Total Pages Read
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Armchair BEA ~ Introductions + TBR Rainbow
4:39 pm | Posted by
Armchair BEA (Book Expo America) is an online book convention that coincides with the BEA at New York City. There are plenty of us book lovers around the world that are unfortunately unable to attend BEA, the Armchair BEA has been created to ensure we don't fully miss out. I think it's a fantastic concept and an event that will allow me to meet fellow book bloggers, and Authors and Publishers.
Armchair BEA (ABEA) runs for five days, there are Instagram challenges, Twitter chats and more, here's the full schedule. If you want to join in on the fun and action click here to register.
Day 1 ABEA - Introductions
Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? How did you get into blogging?
My name's Angelica, I'm 32 years old and I live in Sydney, Australia. I'm a Mother to a 12 week old son, a part-time Step-Mum to 3 beautiful kids; 13 and 10 year old girls and 8 year old boy. I have four furbabies; a Maltese Terrier, American Staffordshire, English Staffordshire and a Pitbull.
I was born in the Philippines but have also lived in Hong Kong. I traveled a lot as a child but just back and forth between Hong Kong and the Philippines. I have visited Macau, China Singapore and USA. I absolutely loved the latter and wish I could stay there forever (especially when awesome events like the BEA takes place).
I have been blogging since 2008 when I started a private blog about my life in general, however, when it became apparent that 80% of my posts were doing book reviews, or speaking about bookish stuff, I decided to start a book blog. Serious book blogging did not commence till 2011.
I have loved reading as long as I could remember. I was one of those children that was never seen without a novel. I was thought to be strange when I could read "chapter" books in one day, although said chapter books were only Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High books, amazing but not lengthy. I had a short break from power reading when I hit late teens and early 20s, I went from reading a book a day to a book every two weeks.
The Harry Potter series brought me out from my reading diet, and the Twilight series was also one turning point for me in my reading life.
I love blogging for several reasons, but mainly because I have an outlet to my reading obsession, apart from my blog and the book blogging community I do not actually have anyone to gush about books to. Another reason why I love book blogging is because I have met fantastic people and have been introduced to many fantastic books and Authors that I would not have known about had I not been blogging. It has also been a very therapeutic experience for me.
I was born in the Philippines but have also lived in Hong Kong. I traveled a lot as a child but just back and forth between Hong Kong and the Philippines. I have visited Macau, China Singapore and USA. I absolutely loved the latter and wish I could stay there forever (especially when awesome events like the BEA takes place).
I have been blogging since 2008 when I started a private blog about my life in general, however, when it became apparent that 80% of my posts were doing book reviews, or speaking about bookish stuff, I decided to start a book blog. Serious book blogging did not commence till 2011.
Why do you love reading and blogging?
I have loved reading as long as I could remember. I was one of those children that was never seen without a novel. I was thought to be strange when I could read "chapter" books in one day, although said chapter books were only Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High books, amazing but not lengthy. I had a short break from power reading when I hit late teens and early 20s, I went from reading a book a day to a book every two weeks.
The Harry Potter series brought me out from my reading diet, and the Twilight series was also one turning point for me in my reading life.
I love blogging for several reasons, but mainly because I have an outlet to my reading obsession, apart from my blog and the book blogging community I do not actually have anyone to gush about books to. Another reason why I love book blogging is because I have met fantastic people and have been introduced to many fantastic books and Authors that I would not have known about had I not been blogging. It has also been a very therapeutic experience for me.
What is one book everyone should read?
I absolutely love series' but I think that if an Author captivates a reader and impacts ones life in one book, then you know that book must be amazing. The one book that I think EVERYONE should read at least once in their life is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
What book are you reading right now?
Please keep an eye out for my upcoming review and I will also be kicking off the blog tour for this fantastic book with an Author Interview.
What is the top book in your TBR pile right now?
Instagram Challenge
I haven't really caught the whole Instagram craze as yet as I'm quite crappola at taking pics, but after seeing others' TBR Rainbows on Twitter I just had to do mine. I enjoyed putting it together that I decided to do a YA dedicated rainbow and a General Adult Fiction + Classic one.
I have now started an Instagram account just to be able to participate in this challenge. I really love how the YA one turned out, it looked more rainbow-like than the other. Which do you like better?
Friday, 22 May 2015
Friday Blogger Hops {Feature & Follow Friday + Book Blogger Hop}
4:43 pm | Posted by
Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer
What reason would you have to stop reading a book? (E.g. too long, wrong genre, not what you expected etc.)
(Suggested by Elizabeth from Silver's Reviews)
Previously I would not stop reading a book for anything, even though I can't get into it I still won't stop, but as of late I have learned, and since blogging really, that there are way too many fantastic books around to get caught up on one that becomes a chore to read, so I'd have to say that my main two reasons for stopping the reading of a book would be:-
1. Can't get into it, so probably accurate in saying it's not what I expected.
2. I need to stop temporarily to review another book that's due sooner i.e. a review is due for blog tour or what not.
These are the only two reasons I can think of that would stop me from reading.
The Rules:-
- You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
- You MUST follow BOTH Featured Blogs of the week (linked below)
- Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post
- Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts!
Book Blogger Hop,
Feature and Follow Friday
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Review ~ Eleanor & Park {Book Twirps Read-along Challenge}
8:15 pm | Posted by
I originally read this book for a Read-a-long hosted by The Book Twirps I had my family emergency and never got to post it, but since I reviewed it I thought I'd post it now as it was a FANTASTIC book!
About The Book
Eleanor & Park
by Rainbow Rowell
Publication Date: February 26, 2013
"Bono met his wife in high school," Park says.
"So did Jerry Lee Lewis," Eleanor answers.
"I’m not kidding," he says.
"You should be," she says, "we’re sixteen."
"What about Romeo and Juliet?"
"Shallow, confused, then dead."
''I love you," Park says.
"Wherefore art thou," Eleanor answers.
"I’m not kidding," he says.
"You should be."
Set over the course of one school year in 1986, ELEANOR AND PARK is the story of two star-crossed misfits – smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try. When Eleanor meets Park, you’ll remember your own first love – and just how hard it pulled you under.
Paperback Princess Review
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell is unlike any other YA Contemporary Romance I've read in the past. I'm not a huge fan of YA Contemporary Romance, or romance for that matter so I didn't have very high expectations. It just wasn't my favourite genre, so I was pleasantly surprised when I absolutely LOVED, LOVED this book and I couldn't stop from turning the pages. I couldn't even explain to myself why I had loved it so much but I did...strange right?
Eleanor is considered a strange red-headed teen. She's unpopular at school and she cops a bit of flack for being her and being an individual. She comes from a broken home and had just returned after reluctantly spending a year living with her Mother's friend.
Park has lived in the same area since he was born, his Father lived there when he was young. He's a quiet Asian kid who's not popular but not disliked either. He's from a loving home with parents that are still in love.
Their mother jabbed a long fingernail at his dad and covered the phone again. 'I'll send you to your room, too.'
'Honey, I wish you would,' their dad said, throwing a throw pillow at her.
Eleanor & Park are two very different people but attending the same school and living in the same housing development, what takes place in Eleanor & Park is the unlikely friendship/relationship that forms between the two.
I think that my favourite part of Eleanor & Park were the characters, they were just so gorgeous and the interaction and the chemistry and the emotions with each character was so well written that you really see in depth into each character, which makes the readers heavily invested in their life and world. We have Eleanor that is just plain weird:-
Girls who don't want to be looked at don't tie curtain tassels in their hair. They don't wear men's golf shoes with the spikes still attached.
Then we have Park, who's just as normal as can be and when they meet they didn't meet in the love at first sight way, the gradual friendship that developed between them was so sweet and real.
He always felt like he should say something to her, even if it was just 'hello' or 'excuse me.' But he'd gone too long without saying anything since the first time he'd cursed at her, and not was all just irrevocably weird. For an hour a day. Thirty minutes on the way to school, thirty minutes back. Park didn't say anything. He just held his comics open wider and turned the pages more slowly."
Love the way Rowell explained things:-
That would be a giant understatement anyway. She was the only person in class who'd read her poem like it wasn't an assignment. She recited it like it was a living thing. Like something she was letting out. You couldn't look away from her as long as she was talking. {Even more than Park's usual not being able to look away from her.} When she was done, a lot of people clapped and Mr Stressman hugged her. Which was totally against the Code of Conduct.
Eleanor lived a very hard life:-
But if she told Mrs Dunne about the toothbrush...maybe Mrs Dunne would just get her one. And then Eleanor could stop sneaking into the bathroom after lunch to rub her teeth with salt. (She'd seen that in a Western once. It probably didn't even work}.
Eleanor's dialogue is filled with so much emotions:-
I just want to break that song into pieces,' she said, 'and love them all to death.
She didn't want to run, period. It made her breasts feel like they were going to detach from her body. 'I'm going to tell Mrs Burt that my Mom doesn't want me to do anything that might rupture my hymen,' Eleanor said. "For religious reasons.
She tried to remember what kind of animals paralyzed their prey before they ate them...
Maybe Park had paralyzed her with his ninja magic, his Vulcan handhold, and now he was going to eat her.
That would be awesome.
Jesus. Was it possible to rape somebody's hand?
so sweet in their interaction:-
are you trying to give me a nickname?
No, I love your name. I don't want to cheat myself out of a single syllable.{because apparently everything made her want to kiss him. Park could tell her that he had lice and leprosy and parasitic worms living in his mouth, and she would still put on fresh Chapstik. God}
interaction between his parens and Park
"How long am I grounded?" Park asked his father.
"That's not up to me, that's up to your Mother.'
His dad was sitting on the couch, reading Soldier of Fortune.
"she says forever,' Park said.
"I guess it's forever then.'
love Park's family even Grandparents
"I thought you were grounded,' his Grandpa said.
"Hush, Harold, you can't be grounded from your own grandparents..."
I had so many quotes because there was absolutely no review I could have written that would have given this book the credit it deserved, by quoting I think it really gives those reading this review the idea on what type of book it is. It is definitely one of those books that stays in your mind for a long time.
Book Review,
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Top Ten Tuesday #23 ~ Wild & Wacky (Book Related)
11:27 pm | Posted by
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke & The Bookish
I was beyond excited when I saw that it was a freebie topic. Since it's my first Top Ten Tuesday upon my return to the blogging world, I was thrilled as I thought, no pressure, freebie topic, but alas I think having to decide yourself what topic to do isn't so pressure-free after all.
So I had two topics floating in my mind; Top Ten Books that MUST be read by EVERYONE at least once in their lifetime and Must have items for bookworms, and guess what? I didn't go with either one! So without further ado…my Top Ten Tuesday.
I was beyond excited when I saw that it was a freebie topic. Since it's my first Top Ten Tuesday upon my return to the blogging world, I was thrilled as I thought, no pressure, freebie topic, but alas I think having to decide yourself what topic to do isn't so pressure-free after all.
So I had two topics floating in my mind; Top Ten Books that MUST be read by EVERYONE at least once in their lifetime and Must have items for bookworms, and guess what? I didn't go with either one! So without further ado…my Top Ten Tuesday.
Wild & Wacky ~ Book Related
Book Headboard
Source: Home DIT
Book Bed
Source: Peckham Platform
Bookshelf with Slide
Source: Moon Hoon
Book Chandelier
Source: Mitsubai
Book Staircase
Source: I Waste So Much Time
Book Seat

Source: Design Folio NZ
Book Coffee Table
Source: Dornob
Book Bed Base
Source: Wilson Kelsey Design Blog
Book Rug
Source: Bloomize
Bookshelf or is it?
Source: Design Toscano
Next week @ Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Books to have in my Beach Bag this Summer
Book Blogger Hop,
Top Ten Tuesday
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