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Thursday, 25 December 2008
Beautiful Classic Books
12:59 am | Posted by
Source:- Penguin Blog
Due to a thread in the Vogue forums I became very interested in classical books. Not just any classical books but pretty and beautiful ones. So I just wanted to share a few of my recent purchases.
I had initially purchased the Jane Austen Collector's Edition Box Set (pictured above) from Dymocks for $75 but recently found it on Book Depository for $40 once converted. The books are actually pocket sized (approximately 12cmx7cm), cloth hard bound with dust jacket, gold foiled pages similar to that of the bible with a ribbon attached as bookmark. Other books also come in this same edition with some dust jacket being different colours. I've bought individuals of these same editions for Alice in Wonderland, Dracula, Frankenstein, Oliver Twist and Grimms Tales and only priced at $16.95 each. I cannot wait to line them up on my bookshelf, it'll look stunning, furthermore I love the size as it'll fit in any of my handbags without any bulk AND I was thinking that the print would be too small in size but it wasn't, it's actually perfect! I plan to get more of these books/editions for other stories. Some that are available include Great Expectations, Peter Pan, Little Women, Secret Garden and many more.
I also bought the leather bound, also pictured above, for the Bronte sister set. This particular leather bound edition are only available for six Jane Austen books (Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion) and three of the Bronte sisters books (Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Whitefell Hall), the latter set is what I had purchased as I already purchased the box set for Jane Austen's novels, these are priced at $19.95 each.
The last set, which was the actual book featured on the thread is a collection of 10 classic books, 2 being Jane Austen novels, Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre hence I purchased, or rather my very kind Future-Brother-in-Law purchased for me the remaining six of the collection. I haven't seen it as yet in person so stay tuned for further information on this beautiful collection, but nonetheless I've got to say I've spoilt myself severely with pretty classic books the last few days.
I'm still lemming a Harry Potter Box Set which seems more likely for me to purchase as I found it (the cloth bound Collector's edition) for $240 which is half price of the RRP of $517 from Borders. Added to my lemming list are children's classic books such as Pollyanna, Little Woman, Peter Pan, The Secret Garden and many more so I'll keep this blog posted as I add to my library collection.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Harry Potter Set
12:52 pm | Posted by
Sources:- Amazon UK
The last few days I've been lemming the Harry Potter Limited Collector's Edition (first two pics) but at the RRP of $517 from Borders...well lets just say could I possibly live with myself if I spent that much on a set of books? It's cloth bounded with gold inscription.
The picture directly above is my complete Harry Potter Set, I've also got the last book in the Children's cover. I've got 1-5 and 7 in Children's cover in a mixture of paperback and hard cover and 6 & 7 in Adult's Hard cover. I'm not happy about it because it's not matching and just doesn't look pleasant. So my choices are:-
a) Keep the set as per picture 1-5 in children's cover and 6 & 7 in Adults
b) Return Adult no 7, Exchange Adult no 6 for Children's no 6 hence my complete set will consist of no adult covers and only children's cover
I will most likely go for (b) completing my Children's set, I will then seek out the Adult hard bound box set as it's equally as beautiful as the Limited Ed set without the price tag. The Adult set without the dust jacket looks stunning side by side on the bookshelf and recently seeing it on Ebay for $145 inclusive of postage ($20/book) I'm happy with the price too. The Adult set without the dust jacket has a beautiful black hard bound cover, with gold lettering on the binding consisting off only the title and the author's name in a signature-like font and no picture at the front cover which is just the way I like it, it looks just like the old school classic books. Looking forward to finding my bargain set, I know it's there somewhere. I'm sounding eerily obsessed so I will leave this lemming and drooling for now...till next time!
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
A Bad Day
7:55 pm | Posted by
What a depressing day. I can't really go into it, I don't really know ONE thing that's wrong, it's more a combination of things happening. A lot of it has something to do with the fact that it's Christmas and yet my home is not done like I'd like it to be, it's still messy, I'm trying to be organised and yet once again, like every year I'm not. This time though I can't just run to my Mum's home to spend Christmas and enjoy as no one's here anymore. I'm very sad, depressed and I don't know what I feel.
This year I vowed to be more organised for Christmas. My tree is finally up despite me thinking to myself if I should bother since it's so late into December already. I can't find my Christmas decorations nor lights and I'm sure it's been lost or thrown as I've got two Christmas boxes with all Christmas decorations and I've got all my Christmas stuff but my bag of tree decors and the tree lights. I'm so very sad because that means I've lost the icicle fairy light covers that I've had for as long as I can remember.
Having said that, the appearance of my tree up with a skirt, two vintage heart decoration, handmade bauble by my Mum and a personalised bauble with Mr and my name along with our beautiful Angel tree topper is lifting my spirits slightly and pushing me to keep going.
So today is an extremely bad day, lets hope tomorrow is better and that I will be able to grab some nice decors for cheap and have pics of my tree before the end of this week. I'm also terribly missing my Mum & Sister and the rest of my very large family (scattered around the globe) and miss the large Christmas we celebrate. Today is definitely the day that I'm realising my loneliness. The Christmas prep that we normally share (Sister, Mum & I) are no longer here and I try to do it on my own and it's just not the same.
I am optimistic in hoping that tomorrow WILL be a better day. Apologies for this extremely tedious post and somewhat incoherent but it's been a bad day.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Charity for Christmas
12:52 pm | Posted by
Source:- Sunrise Children's Village

Source:- Malawi Project

Source:- Faithful Heart Ministry
Whilst we prepare for Christmas I wish to just remind people to think about those that are not as fortunate as we are, especially innocent children that are faced with so much uncertainty that not even an adult in our society would be able to deal with.
In my previous post I mentioned that I give to the Christmas tree at either Target or KMart. I just wanted to ask if we can all consider doing something similar. There is no minimum value to give and it needn't be purchased from the particular store that the tree is at. Please keep the Christmas spirit alive and continue to give the gift of giving especially to those that need it the most. Lets all put a smile on a child's face on Christmas day that they would otherwise be unable to experience. This minimal input on our behalf is something that will be remembered for life by these young recipients.
For those that are seeking gifts for someone that has it all, how about putting a donation in behalf of the recipient in lieu of gifts, there are many charity organisations to choose from so there is something for everyone. If you would like to give something beyond a donation under a person's name please do check out Oxfam "Unwrapped Gifts" which includes items such as literacy programs, ducks/goat/other animals to feed villages and more, hence the recipient would feel that their "gifts" have actually gone to a particular item not just a donation lost amidst others cash. This is extremely popular with many people, however, if this does not appeal to you and your preference is to give something tangible please go to your favourite charity website as most have online stores with handcrafted, unique pieces for sale, all proceeds go towards charity work. Please continue to give the gift of giving, many will not be as fortunate as we are to experience the true Christmas celebration. Lets make someone elses Christmas as merry as ours would be.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
4 Ingredients Cook Book
3:53 am | Posted by
I've started into my whole baking phase again and now would like to enter the unknown world of cooking. I'm in search for the perfect beginner cook book that will help and teach an amateur like myself how to cook.
"4 Ingredients" is another foray into the world of cook books however, after reading some dismal reviews and a quick peruse through the pages I returned it. I had thought that it would be an excellent cook book due to it being a best seller for quite some time and it was just perfect for me; simple, easy, four ingredients and most of all quick, but it seems my search for a beginner's cook book continues. Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Urban Grace Interior Photo Contest
5:42 am | Posted by

Erika from Urban Grace Interiors had a Doggie Photo Contest which I entered my beautiful furbaby in (sent the two pics above) and although we unfortunately didn't win there were heaps of cute and very much deserving entrants, even I, who is quite bias to my little one couldn't pick a winner.
Erika and her team wonderfully collaborated this beautiful slideshow to show all the pics that were entered for the competition, please do view it as it will fill you with laughter and tears. I tried to post a pic of the winning furbaby but Blogger would not allow so please check him out here, there are also pics of special mentions/runner ups.
Please also stay tuned as I will be doing a write up soon on Urban Grace Interiors, it's one of my "read it in it's entirety blog".
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Kris Kringle Gift Ideas for "Her"
3:21 pm | Posted by
I recently participated in two Kris Kringles with a budget of $20-$30 hence I will dedicate this posts to those that are looking for KK gifts like I was. The prices are all exclusive of postage so please take this into account.
Beauty Lover
If you had a $30 budget you can buy the two items above which will come to $29.10 and it will make a beautiful and useful gift.
Green Thumbs
Deluxe Pink Gardening Tool Kit Belt $29.95 Tesora; Crabtree & Evelyn Gardener's Flowerpot Gift Set $29 Peter of Kensington
Stationery Lover
Cupcakes Box Set $14.95 Angus & Robertson (tray not included); Wilton Cupcake Holder $29 Peter of Kensington
The Cook
Pet Lover
The Entertainer
Maxwell Williams 5pc Hostess Set $34.95 Wishlist; The Entertainer's Rippled Square Platter $14 Peter of Kensington
For the rest; Homeware, Books, Beauty/Skincare packs, anything yummy and edible and anything with lots of thoughts never go astray no matter what it is or it's value. Good luck and most of all enjoy your shopping trip!
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