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Monday 22 June 2015

Book Blitz: The V Girl by Mya Roberts ~ Guest Post + Giveaway

Welcome to the three day blitz for

Mya Roberts' The V Girl

There will be awesome teaser quotes, excerpts, sexy pics, Interviews and Guest posts in this three day blitz, so check out the other blogs participating so you can check all the amazing goodies. The teaser quotes are delectable! Today we have Mya Roberts talking about something that is quite interesting to me as I still haven't made my mind up about this debate...ebook vs Printed books. 

~ Guest Post by Mya Roberts ~ 

eBook vs Printed Books

Today I wanted to share with all of you my opinion about a dilemma that every bookaholic faces once in a while. The never ending debate: E-books vs. Printed books. 

Some believe that e-readers are going to dominate the reading world. A more conservative group of people think that the traditional book will remain the favorite choice among a huge portion of book lovers. 

As recent as four years ago, I was an enthusiast part of this second side. I used to believe that a book, to be “real” had to come to life in printed form. The flipping of pages, the smell, and the texture were all irreplaceable for me and a huge part of what my reading experience have to include. And who doesn’t love to take a look at shelves full of books? 

Eventually, I discovered the advantages of e-book readers. Portability; more books, less money, you can read covertly when you’re not supposed to do it (let’s say a boring lecture). E-books have advantages that I never thought I’d enjoy since I was so reluctant to change the way I have always read. 

You are not less of a book lover if you prefer e-books over printed books. Recently I saw a video in which Kat O’Keeffe from Katytastic admits she prefers e-books. Kat, owns the most beautiful shelves I’ve ever seen, and even so she prefers e-books. Plenty of booklovers , who have a kind of physical impediment will prefer e-book, too. And carrying a thousand books with you wherever you go, has its advantages. 

Why not combine the two? I read in electronic format the books that I think won’t be among my favorites. When my favorite authors have a new release, I end up buying the same book twice. I order the e-book the day of release and even so I order the printed version. 

As a book addict who enjoys her addiction, I’ll always want more books in whatever format I can get them: Electronic, Audio, Paperback, Hardcovers, etc. I want them all. The format doesn’t demerit the value of a book. A great book will always be great not matter what format meet our eyes. And whether your book collection is nicely stacked on shelves or available to you with just a few clicks on your e- reader, the very fact that we have options to choose is something to feel grateful for. It means more reading opportunities to discover our next favorite reading.

About The Author

Mya Roberts

I am a bookaholic and regret nothing.

I spent years trying to become a contemporary dance choreographer. Eventually I realized that I enjoyed writing my stories rather than creating dances for them.

I am obsessed with books that present damaged characters, swoon worthy guys, controversial topics and happy endings.

About The Book

The V Girl

by Mya Roberts

Publication Date: June 20, 2014
Genre: YA Dystopia
Buy It Now: Amazon | Kobo


In post-apocalyptic North America, rape and sexual slavery are legal. Lila Velez, desperately wants to lose her virginity before the troops visit her town, and can take it away by force. She makes plans to seduce her only friend, Rey, the most attractive man in her town. Lila does not love him, but he is the only man who has shown her true affection, an affection she is willing to take as a substitute of love.

Lila’s coping mechanism to her mother’s violent attack is her secret. A secret that will bring her closer to Aleksey Fürst, a foreign, broody man that she distrusts because his links to the troops and his rough, yet irresistible appearance. He offers Lila an alternative to her plans, a possibility that terrifies her…and tempts her in spite of herself.

All the while Lila will have to find a way to live in the constant company of death, slavery, starvation, sexual abuse and the danger of losing the people she loves the most.

Due to strong language, violent scenes and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

~ Giveaway ~ 

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