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Friday 2 August 2013

Friday Blog Hop ~ Feature & Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop

How do you turn down a review request?

Firstly I only reply to those that seem to have made some effort towards their letter, not just a bulk mailed letter to all bloggers. So getting past this, I would then state that I'm very appreciative and honoured to be asked to review their work, which I know is literally their babies, but unfortunately at this time and I then give my reason. I reject reviews mainly for the following reasons:-

  • Synopsis is not exciting me and I'm not wanting to read the book from book description
  • Not within the genres I normally read and enjoy
  • I'm too busy 

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

The Rules:-
  • You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
  • You MUST follow BOTH Featured Blogs of the week (linked below)
  • Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post 
  • Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts! 

This week's Featured Bloggers

Hardcore Heroines

Q. How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through?

Prior to being a book blogger I used to power through it because I thought that I wasted all those pages I did read, so may as well read through the rest. Sometimes it takes MONTHS for me to finish said book, but alas I do finish it, but since I've become a book blogger, I definitely DNF. If I don't get into it within the first say 50 pages, I move on. I've now got a different take on things, there are just so many fantastic books out there that I'm dying to read, so why waste my time powering through one that I'm obviously not connecting with. 

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Krystianna said...

I always follow through on books because I don't like missing out on things. I'm a bloglovin follower. :b

Elizabeth said...

Your reasons are basically the same as mine.

Declining is tricky, but it can be done graciously as I have seen from many answers today including mine. :)

Stop by for my full answer if you like.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Maria Behar said...

The problem of turning down review requests is a rather uncomfortable one for most of us book bloggers. I agree with you that it is indeed an honor to be asked to review a book. However, if the book does not fit the characteristics you mention above, then of course a blogger would be justified in turning down a request to review it. As long as this is done politely, there should be no further problems. Hopefully!

I always felt bad about rejecting review requests before I put up my review policies page. Now I review books strictly through blog tour companies. Thus, I don't have to deal directly with the author, and this helps a lot!

As for not finishing a book I don't like, I feel much the same way you do. Sometimes I do struggle to finish the book. However, if the plot contains some event that I consider morally wrong -- such as an affair between a married person and one who is not -- then I definitely won't finish reading the book. This is what happened when I attempted to read "Anna Karenina". I just couldn't get into that book!!

You're so right about it being a waste of time to try to finish a book one doesn't like, when there are so many more waiting out there, that you might indeed like!!

Thanks for your interesting answers!! : )


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