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Saturday 8 October 2011

Friday Weekly Features

To-be-read's:- How big is your pile? Which books keep getting pushed down the stack, but you keep meaning to read it?

A room joke.

I've currently got a lot of books from the library, many are part of a series' so I keep waiting for consecutive books before reading the first book to the series, so a lot keep getting put back at the bottom of the pile as I'm still awaiting for the next book/s.

However, just a few that have been put at the end of the pile because of library books are Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer and Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. I've read book 1 for both of these series but because they were bought I'm not in a major rush to get through them like I am with my library books. 

If you could pick one character from a book, movie or television show to swap places with, who would it be?

From Television Shows:-
Adrianne Maloof from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
She's filthy rich but still very down-to-earth.

The Kardashians
I'd love the opportunities that they have. Due to their Father's legacy they have so many open business opportunities that many of us normal folks don't have LOL.

Evie from Paranormalcy by Kiersten White - I LOVE her job!

Bella from Twilight by Stephanie Meyer - Who doesn't want a rich, handsome, forever young man? Unlike others I actually find the whole Edward Cullen character swoon worthy and I'd love my Husband to be more like Edward Cullen minus the sucking of blood.

This week's Featured Blogs are:-


TheReadingPenguin said...

I have a copy of Paranormalcy coming in the mail sometime soon!

New follower!

Tia said...

Paranormalcy is on my tbr list for this month. I hope that I get to it soon!

My Follow Friday!

Farhana said...

Hahah Kardashian have everything!!! Can totally see why you wouldn't mind their life:P

Great post, new follower:D

My Post

Unknown said...

I just started Kiersten White's books, and am already getting into them. I bet I'll agree with you once I get there! Great picks!
Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books

Chrissie (Once Upon a Series) said...

I must admit that I fell a little bit in lovewith Edward when I read Twilight!

New follower :)

duchess_mommy said...

Hi, Current follower hopping through! Agree wholeheartedly with Bella, not so much with the Kardashian's though lol.

Have a great weekend!
The Duchess Mommy Reads

PS: Giveaway on my blog!

caffeinejunkie said...

I like your answer! I wouldn't mind being one of the Housewives of Beverly Hills either just for a little piece of the money. Lol. New follower! Here's my FF.

Jenna and Ashley said...

I love that you'd want to be a Housewife:) I'm obsessed, but mostly with the Atlanta and Orange County groups.

Great answers all around!

-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)


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