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Monday, 10 November 2008

Honda Accord Euro Luxury

We bought a new car!!! This is not the EXACT car but it's the exact design of car, 2004 Honda Accord Euro "Luxury" and the same colour, a dark grey!!! I'm thrilled!!! We got such a great bargain, they range from $23,000+ for the normal and the luxury is $25,000+ and we got this for $20,000 and it's the second owner, in excellent condition with all log books etc etc included.

We've now got 3 vehicles to get rid of before I'm satisfied. Yes we have a total of 5 cars at the moment:-
- Toyota Supra
- Mitsubishi Lancer
- Mitsubishi Lancer GSR
- Toyota Camry (Old one)

Then the above car, but we are selling the first 3 and maybe even the last one so at the end we are hoping for the above car as our only car or maybe a cheap 2nd car for those rare events that we both need to go out with a car.

I'm just coming on to my blog to gloat to myself LoL. It's funny because from the listing of our previous cars above you can see we pretty much went for sports cars, now we're getting older and more "mature" and going for a more luxury. This car has sunroof and leather seats and drives like a dream.


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