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Saturday 23 August 2008

Birthday Season

I cannot believe that the birthday season in my household is about to hit. Whilst my puppy's, Mum's and Sister's birthday are April, May and June (respective order) mine and Mr's are September, October and our Anniversary in November. Why can't birthdays be more spread out? "Dates" just do not co-ordinate with me; Car Registration for example are due on May, July and August! 

Anyhow, back to the topic birthday season in my household. I wanted to throw a birthday party when we turned 25 (a year apart) mine was last year but due to me being too thrifty I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on one night and have nothing to show for it, so we didn't have one. This year however, I was contemplating on having a combined celebration for both our birthdays (only one month apart, his on Oct 10th mine is on Sept 19th). 

However, I do not know what to do? I do not want something too large and expensive just a gathering between close family & friends...what do y'all think? Just to explain a lil bit about Mr & I. We are that couple that goes to birthday parties and any type of party and/or gathering, grab something to eat, give the gift and stay for a max of an hour and then go home, hence why the thought of having an all-nighter party at our home or even at a house is not our idea as we would be stuck till EVERYONE leaves, and some people just do not get the point that the party is OVER!

So we'll be throwing ideas around, hope y'all can help me. Oh the stress of having a simple celebration :( Keep you posted on decisions!



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