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Sunday 31 May 2015

YA Blast!

I was insanely thrilled when I heard about this new and fantastic service for all YA lovers out there! I was even more excited when I got the opportunity to help promote this magnificent service. 

So without further ado...I'd like to introduce the YA Blast! 

Y.A. Blast is a free email newsletter featuring--you guessed it--all Y.A. books, all the time. Just sign up here, and we'll start sending you the latest, greatest Young Adult book recommendations (and some oldies but goodies). Why would we do such a thing? We have hearts of gold. We might also be insanely obsessed with Y.A. books, and love to share that enthusiasm with the reading world. Don't have time to scrounge through pages upon pages of eBook listings, looking for that perfect next read? Let us do the legwork for you. Of course, we'll try to find good deals. But first and foremost, we'll be looking for that next great book we'd want to read too! 

Just remember it's free and it only takes a few clicks to subscribe...if after a few emails you realise it's just not for you, the books being recommended is not to your taste or your just not enjoying the service, it only takes a few clicks to unsubscribe, so there's really nothing to loose by giving YA Blast a try, you never know, it may unearth your all-time favourite YA book or introduce you to your best-ever fiction crush. 

YA Blast! 

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