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Friday, 9 August 2013
Friday Hop ~ Feature & Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop
8:21 pm | Posted by
Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer
If you don't like a book that you said you would review, do you graciously turn it down and explain why or do you struggle through it and hopefully come up with a half decent review?
Firstly if I've already said yes to reviewing the book then the least I can do is give it a try. If I'm still not getting into the book after awhile despite having tried I'd then email the Author/Publisher and explain to them why I'm just not getting the hang of said book. If the story (plot, characters, writing etc) was still good but I just personally didn't like it, I'd also offer the Author/Publisher a Spotlight with Excerpt post, if however the book was just plain terrible, then I'd offer up the reason as to why I didn't like it and leave it at that.
The Rules:-
- You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
- You MUST follow BOTH Featured Blogs of the week (linked below)
- Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post
- Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts!
This week's Featured Bloggers
Q. Back to school. Create a reading list for the imaginary English Lit class you’ll be teaching this semester.
These are the first six that came to mind but there's heaps more!!! Here's a list from Goodreads where people have voted on the books they think should be used for Literary English.
Book Blogger Hop,
Feature and Follow Friday,
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Ha! I've also picked The Hobbit for my English Lit Class. We're going to be the best of buds. <3
New follower on twitter and bloglovin. :D
Thoughts and Pens
Great selections. Thanks for sharing :)
Good answer to the Book Blogger Hop. I normally will give a book a shot, but if it is offensive, I will NOT continue. This happened to me with two books.
I normally read and review each book I have said I would unless it is of no interest or is offensive.
Don't read any books this weekend that you don't like. :)
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
nice selection,visiting you back.
I followed you on Google+ and GFC
I love the English class choices. Lord of the Flies is one of those books you never forget! Happy Friday!
To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hobbit are favorites of mine. I had to read The Lord of the Flies in Sophomore English and it wasn't for me. Happy Friday!
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
Great list! Love both The Hobbit and To Kill a Mockingbird. Haven't read all the others, but the Book Thief is on my list. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D Happy Friday!
Thanks for stopping by my Feature & Follow!
You picked some great books to teach to the kiddos! The Book Thief is definitely something I can get behind.
New follower!
~Andrea @ Beauty but a Funny Girl
I've never read The Book Thief and really want to. Love your choices!
Thanks for stopping by my FF.
Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book
Definitely love your choice of The Book Thief and The Hobbit. The others look interesting.
Thanks for looking at my FF.
Kathryn from A Bibliotaph's Reviews
I do write negative reviews.
Kimberly it's really a MUST read, I think anyway LOL and I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. I'll go as far as saying it's a modern day classic :D
I have the potato peel book on my shelf, I just haven't gotten around to reading it! Love Lord of the flies! Great picks for your class!
Old bloglovin, new twitter follower!
My FF + Giveaway!
Amber @Paradise of Pages
Thanks Amber! The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society is not really in my usual genre but I really enjoyed it. It was nice piecing together and seeing what they all went through :) It was also so well written. Hope you get around to reading it soon. I also love your selection.
Hope you get the chance to read The Book Thief soon Liesel it really is a fantastic read.
Traci a lot of times when you have to read a book for school you don't enjoy it as much, but when you read it outside of school it becomes more appealing LOL I found this with Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta, I really enjoyed it when I re-read after school finished.
Totally agree with you Meredith, it's definitely one of those books you never forget. Thanks for visiting :D
Thanks Michie! I love your blog design, thanks for visiting and following back :D
Elizabeth what would you consider "offensive"?
Thanks Shane for stopping by!
Thanks Charlotte for visiting back! I love your selection too :) Great minds think alike ;) Following you via Google+
Thanks Andrea for visiting and following! Would love to see you at the Something Strange & Deadly Readalong, thanks for posting it up otherwise I wouldn't have known about it. Is it just on Susan Dennard's blog?
Thanks Kathryn from visiting right back, I see you also had The Book Thief in your list. I'm yet to read Matched but I loved Divergent.
Ruth loved your post, totally agree with you, I think that a negative review is ok if done in a respectful manner with constructive criticism.
I read a book that was condescending to women and another about sex that was not done very tastefully. That would be offensive to me. :)
Lord of the Flies is one of my favorites. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Nice list! I haven't read any of these yet so it would be a great class :)
Thanks for stopping by my post.
You're quite welcome!
I know Susan is posting hers on her blog, but there is also the Epic Reads Book Club, which you can find here:
I really need to read Jellicoe Road and The Book Thief, I'm so behind. Thanks for stopping by Readers in Wonderland.
Great choices! I really liked The Hobbit, although I've not read the others :)
Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm an old follower!
i've seen many people choose Lord of the Flies for their class. Sounds like a good book.
Thanks for stopping by my blog
new Twitter and rss follower :)
I remember reading To Kill a Mocking Bird when I was in high school. I can even recall seeing the film. Good choice!
Thanks for stopping by my FF :)
Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog
I am ashamed to say I have read none of those books... I will though! They're on my list. In fact The Book Thief is on the shelf next to me at this very moment.
Old follower on Feedly. Also now following via GFC :)
Great Picks! I had To Kill a Mockingbird too. I have heard so much about The Book Theif but haven't read it yet. Thanks for stopping by my FF.
I love The Hobbit and I didn't even list it! Love your choices. Thank you so much for stopping by my FF. Old follower :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.
Great choices for your class! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am an old bloglovin follower :)
Brittany @ Spare Time book blog
Yay, you have a Melina Marchetta book on your list too! She's such an amazing writer and her books were really popular when I was in high school. We all actually enjoyed reading them. We also read To Kill A Mocking Bird too. Some great choices there : )
I'm looking forward to participating. I've subscribed to Susan's blog via Newsletter so I don't miss out on the timetable etc of the Read-along.
OIC, thanks for defining, I wasn't quite sure what kind of "offensive" but now I understand what you meant :D
Amy are you in Australia? Which of Melina Marchetta's books did you read in HS? We read Looking for Alibrandi but I didn't love Marchetta's writing till after school, I didn't like Looking for Alibrandi till after school too LOL probably because it was a required reading, when I read for leisure it was different LOL
Thanks for stopping right back Brittany, much appreciated :D
Jaclyn I do that heaps, I would forget books and won't remember till I see it on someone else's list and I think, how the hell did I forget that one???
Thanks for stopping by and following!
Chelsea The Book Thief is a MUST read! Regarding To Kill A Mockingbird…great minds think alike ;)
Bec don't worry I've got so many books that are in my TBR shelf that I haven't read yet, there are so many series that EVERY blogger has read and I still haven't read.
I use Feedly too, have you tried Blog Lovin?
Thanks for visiting back Marilyn ;)
Thanks for stopping by, I don't know how to explain Lord of the Flies, but it's one of those books that you just must read at least once in your life.
Visited your Feature & Follow Friday post and following your right back :D
Cerian I wanted to re-read The Hobbit before I see the movie, I still haven't seen it because of this LOL
Thanks for the follow and stopping right back!
Thanks Alise for stopping right back! Don't worry your not the only one behind on their personal reading LOL
Thanks for stopping right back Marissa :D
Thanks Lauren for visiting right back :D
I just made an account the other day, but haven't had time to play around with it and figure it all out yet.
Yes I'm from Australia! We read Looking For Alibrandi in Yr 8, and compared to all the other books we were reading (mainly Shakespeare) I enjoyed it. But I think my favourite of hers was Saving Francesca, but that was just one I read myself not for school. Your right that anytime you had to read a book for homework it made it less enjoyable, so that's probably why I liked Saving Francesca more lol :)
I think I'll add Lord of the Flies to my TBR list.
hahaha thank you :)
Amy have you read On Jellicoe Road?
No not yet, but I want to soon. I also want to check out her fantasy novel Finnikin of the Rock, have you read that one?
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