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Saturday 20 July 2013

Day 11 & 12 Book Blogger Challenge - 5 Best Blog Posts and Combat Blogger Fatigue

The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is created by April at Good Books and Good Wine. Daily for the duration of 15 days each blogger participating will post their reply to the corresponding topic above. April will post up her daily response along with a linky so that participating bloggers can leave their own link to their daily post. Click on the event banner or link above for more information or to sign-up.

Here's my Book Blogger Challenge Responses:

Day 5 - Tear Jerkers
Day 6 - Shopping for Books 
Day 7 - Blogging Quirks
Day 8 - Blog Appeal
Day 9 - Why do I blog about books?
Day 10 - How do I choose what book to read?

Day 11 ~ Show Off! 5 of your best blog posts! 

I don't know if it's necessarily my best blog posts, and it certainly wasn't the posts that generated the most visits, but I was really proud of it as it was the first original feature I did for my blog. On the month of January, the month when Australia Day is celebrated I featured YA Australian Authors, here's an introductory post explaining what the feature was about. These were the posts included in the Australia Day Feature. 

Another one of my favourite blog post, was my Belle of the Ball stop for the Spring Blog Carnival. This was the first big event in the blogging community that I participated in.

Day 12 ~ How to Combat Blogger Fatigue? 

I'm quite a new book blogger so I'm yet to get Blogger fatigue. However, when I'm fatigued with other activities or hobbies I normally take a break from it, and I'm not saying a few months hiatus, I'm saying rather than blogging for one day, I'll do something else that I enjoy. For example read from my TBR pile rather than my Review pile, immersing myself into a story that I thoroughly enjoy will then pump me up for blogging. If your also in a reading slump and can't read, do something else that you do enjoy. 

Another technique for me, and this may sound to do something that you don't enjoy but MUST do in life eg. housework! So if you've done a whole day of housework, by the time your finished you are so ready to do something that you enjoy, and blogging will seem like such a fun task after all the hard work you've done all day.

Does this make sense? I'm really quite bad at explaining because I'm yet to really find a good coping mechanism for a lot of things including combating fatigue of any kind, so I'm really looking forward to reading everyone else's reply. 


Julie S said...

I like how you say you use blogging as a reward for doing your "real life" chores. That's kinda cool. Also, your Australia Day feature is really neat. Way to go on those great posts.

Unknown said...

Oh I love it when I can blog after I'm done with my school work. In a way it makes blogging more fun because it feels like a prize for all the hard work! :) Great answer!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment! I completely agree with you. Some people do take it too far...

And I get the GIFs from Tumblr. I love Tumblr and whenever I see a reaction GIF that can be used in reviews & such, I save it on my computer. :)

~ Hira @ Views & Reviews

Unknown said...

It does makes sense! I'm the mother of three and there is always something to do around the house. You are right, it makes me appreciate my blogging and reading time more :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

I love that advice about doing the stuff you don't want to do, but have to. I never really thought about it before, but it's so true. I'd definitely be ready to do some blogging after having to wash the dishes (my least favorite chore).


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