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Saturday, 29 June 2013
Friday Meme ~ Feature & Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop
9:08 pm | Posted by
The Rules:-
- You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
- You MUST follow BOTH Featured Blogs of the week (linked below)
- Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post
- Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts!
This week's Featured Bloggers
Q. What is your preferred reading format (ebooks, hardcover, paperback etc)
Had you all asked me this a few months back I would have said, without a doubt hardcover with paperback at a close second. I love printed books and the new book smell it has. Hardcover is preferential over paperbacks only because it's more hardy and less prone to damage.
However, as of late I've been reading quite a lot of ebooks and I'm loving the highlight/add note and dictionary features. Initially when I first started reading ebooks I felt that it took me longer to read ebooks than the printed copies, but since I've gotten used to it...well lets just say I'm not so sure anymore.
Do you find one format faster to read than another?
Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer
So would you read a book just because of the hype?
Yes if it's in my preferred genre or an Author I like as it's one of those things that I just have to know what the fuss is about. However, I don't just choose books from the hyped ones, I've found PLENTY of books with no hype that are fantastic!
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Book Blogger Hop,
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I read all formats at the same pace, although if I'm into the story then it really speeds by. It was a hard transition when I went to e-books, but now that I've gotten used to it I wouldn't trade it for anything! It's wonderful to be able to get a new book with a click, have it within minutes and be able to carry around an entire library! Have a great weekend :)
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
My co-blogger and I read a lot of ebooks too. But we will always prefer actual copies of books. :) New follower via Bloglovin!
Feature and Follow Friday
I am loving ebooks more and more as well
Great answer to the blog hop. I agree...there are some books without hype that should be hyped up. They are amazing.
I definitely prefer print. I don't think one is read faster than the other.
THANKS for your great thoughts.
Stop by for my full answer to the blogger hop if you like.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
Blog Hop Answer
I agree I love how you can highlight on the kindle. Love highlighting my fave quotes. Old follower.
Hi, Angelica!
Oh, I MUCH prefer printed books, hands down!! I simply can't STAND reading an entire book on a screen. As for hardcovers vs. paperbacks, I definitely prefer hardcovers. However, I sometimes go with a paperback, if the cover is nicer than the one on the hardcover. And I like trade paperbacks (the bigger ones) much more than the mass market paperbacks.
As for hyped up books: I really didn't use to pay much attention to hype, but now that I'm a book blogger, I do, a lot of times. However, NO amount of hype will get me to read certain books, and most definitely NOT e-books!!
Thanks for your answers!! Happy Reading!!! :)
Back then, I used to be rigidly set on reading Hardcovers or Paperbacks. But now, I find it so much easier to carry around a Kindle instead of a heavy hardcover. Plus, there's a built in dictionary if you ever have a question on what something means!
Thanks for stopping by! Old Follower.
Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn
thanks for visiting my blog and commenting :D. I love your blog name- so creative!
Yes, it is not much use reading a book that has a lot of hype and you don't really read that genre. Sigh! There are so many great books out there to read!
Thanks for the visit :) A book is a book is a book, it seems. :)
I think I actually read a little quicker on my kindle, but slower on the iPad... It might have something to do with the backlights. Also, now, I think an actual book feels so heavy in my hands :)
Thanks for stopping by my ff post earier :)
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
I agree that the features of an ebook are convenient, but I still love hardcovers.
New follower!:)
Thanks for visiting my site and I totally agree with you about the ebook/hardbook copies.
I think I read books on my Kindle faster - but that's just me!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Old GFC follower, new Google Plus follower! :)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
I find it faster to read in Hardcover and Paperback, coz I can actually see I'm progressing with the book. :)
Correct! I love your answer! I like the highlight feature in ebooks too, otherwise I have to type out the quote on my phone or simply take a pic of a para I like from physical books. In the end though, any format works.
Thanks for stopping by my F&FF post earlier.
Old follower!
Sarika @ The Readdicts
Since I don't own an ereader, I can't tell you if one is faster than the other! I would think it's the same? I was wondering though, does it tell you how many pages you have left while reading? I always like physical books because you can see your reading progress as you bookmark slowly travels from one side of the book to the other, and you can always tell you're getting to the end of the story when you're running out of pages. Do you get that same thing with ereaders?
Anyways, thanks for stopping by :)
I think I still prefer a physical book, but my ereaders do have their advantages. :) I found myself touching a word I wanted to look took me a minute to figure out why the paper page wasn't responding! ;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!
I love being able to highlight and look up words in a heart beat with ereaders!!
Thanks for visiting! I think everyone should at least give ebooks a try -- they are so convenient.
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