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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Sunday Post

Sunday Post is a weekly feature hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reviewer. It's main purpose is similar to that of a Sunday newspaper; recap of the week gone by, additions to your library and what is going on in the book blogging community.

Addition to my Library 

I know I haven't been doing my participated memes regularly, apologies as I'm still trying to figure a routine and schedule, so please bare with me till I do. I'm wanting to do an updating post, like The Sunday Post, and I do want to do a Stacking The Shelves post, but I may do it every two weeks because I don't think I get enough haul to do it weekly. Starting from the next Stacking The Shelves, I'll also be adding "Books for Review" as I haven't really been specifying those in my list. 


It included:-

- $35 Amazon Gift Card
- Signed Paperback copy of Pulse by HJ Daly
- Signed Pulse bookmark
- Pulse pen
- Pulse card
- Pulse cloth bag
- Beautiful Flower hardback notebook

I absolutely loved the bag and the pen! I'm also very excited to spend my $35 Amazon Gift card. 

Prize Pack 3 from the YAlicious April Giveaway 

Bought Ebooks 

In The Blogosphere

Spring Blog Carnival
Spring Blog Carnival starts this week! There are 50 booths in this year's carnival, including mine which is Belle of the Ball, booth #8…check out the other participants, schedule can be found here. Don't forget to visit all the booths for fantastic challenges and giveaways! 

Participate in the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge for the month of May, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated. The purpose is to read as much of your ARC's this month from your TBR pile. There will be mini challenges and an event giveaway, sign ups and schedules can all be found here


Eleanor & Park Read-Along hosted by Mostly YA Lit. Click on the link to sign up and to find the reading schedule.

YABBC is a YA book club for bloggers hosted by Alise in Readers in Wonderland. This month's book is Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, for more details please click on the event banner above. 

BEA (Book Expo America) is a huge event for readers and bloggers alike, unfortunately for many of us, attending (due to distance and finance) is not a reality. The girls at Bewitched Bookworms is nice enough to cover the event for us, like our own personal journalist. To submit questions that you want answered, click here. Read up on last year's coverage here. Don't forget to subscribe to their blog to get the up to date happening at BEA.


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