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Saturday 13 July 2013

Day 6 Book Blogger Challenge ~ Shopping for Books

The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is created by April at Good Books and Good Wine. Daily for the duration of 15 days each blogger participating will post their reply to the corresponding topic above. April will post up her daily response along with a linky so that participating bloggers can leave their own link to their daily post. Click on the event banner or link above for more information or to sign-up.

Here's my Book Blogger Challenge Responses:

Day 5 - Tear Jerkers

Day 6 Shopping For Books

I am meant to note how I shop for books, I'm not quite sure how to answer this question. I mainly purchase my books via Amazon, I buy the ebook, I read it on my ebook reader and if I love the book then I will purchase a copy at The Book Depository. The Book Depository has very cheap prices, especially if you pre-order and it ships internationally for free, it also only takes a maximum of a week to get to me.

However, when I do go into a shopping centre I will purchase my books from all-in-one stores like KMart, Target and BigW or a discounted book store like Books 4 Less because the books are so much cheaper. Granted they don't have as much variety as the renowned book stores here in Australia like Angus & Robertson and Dymocks, but the price difference is astronomical! The price difference is over half price! I only purchase books from the latter book stores when said books are on special. I've also noticed that there aren't many book stores in Australia anymore, my local shopping centre currently has none!

So that's how I shop for my books, how do you all shop for your books? 



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