Tuesday, 10 July 2018

2018 Reading Challenges

The New Release Challenge is hosted by Lexxie from Un(Conventional) Reviews. You pick a level, I'm only doing 30 books, Level 1 (New Release Newbie) as I am starting in the 2nd Quarter of 2018. Then from here, you read, review and then link up to your review post. 

1. As She Fades by Abbi Glines
2. The Disappearance of Sloane Sullivan by Gia Cribbs
3. Ruthless Magic by Megan Crewe
4. Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian
5. Perfect by Cecelia Ahern
6. Power of Five by Alex Lidell
7. Tell me no lies by Adele Griffin
8. The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood
9. The Lies they tell by Gillian French
10. Save the Date by Morgan Matson
11, Shadow of the fox by Julie Kagawa
12. Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu
13. Cruel Prince by Holly Black
14. Jinxed by Amy McCulloch
15. Grace & Fury by Tracy Banghart
16. Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

I am half way through my challenge level, and half way through the year so hopefully I can get through another 17 new releases before the year is over. I'm hopeful! 

The Netgalley & Edelweiss Challenge is hosted by Bookish Things & More. I am choosing Bronze (10 books) and upgrade as needed. There's a monthly link up for all reviews. 

2. Ruthless Magic by Megan Crewe
3. Tell me no lies by Adele Griffin
4. The lies they tell by Gillian French
5. Save the date by Morgan Matson
6. The last summer of the Garrett girls by Jessica Spotswood.
7. The Undercurrent by Paula Weston
8. Fawkes by Nadine Brandes
9. Grace & Fury by Tracy Banghart

Only 4 to go till I can go up a level, I really would like to complete 20 at least so I can get my % back up on Netgalley, so we'll see how I go. 
2018 Audiobook Challenge

Audiobook Challenge is hosted by Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer. For more info on the rules of the challenges, please click on the button above. I'm choosing Weekend Warrior, 5-10 books as I have just started listening to audiobooks via Audible, so I don't want to over-extend. There are 2 post updates and giveaways; June 30, 2018 and December 15, 2018.

1. Rogue by Julie Kagawa
2. Soldier by Julie Kagawa
3. Legion by Julie Kagawa
4. Illuminae by Amie Kaufmann & Jay Kristoff
5. Gemina by Amie Kaufmann & Jay Kristoff

Again I'm half way through my level choice and half way through the year, I hope to at least get another 5 audiobooks in.

Beat the Backlist is hosted by Novel Knight. Click on the button above for signup and rules. In short, it's the challenge to rid yourself of that ever-growing TBR pile/shelf/room. For me, it will only be for books that I own and had intended to read before 2018. I won't be including books published before 2018, but only intended to read in 2018, if that makes sense. 

  1. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
  2. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead

Angel's Guilty Pleasures

Library Love Challenge is hosted by Angie's Guilty Pleasures. I am going to attempt Library Junkie, which is 48 borrowed books! See how I go. Click on the button above to sign up and to read more on the rules of the challenge.

3. Passengers by Alexandra Bracken
4. Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken
5. The Sun is also a star by Nicola Yoon
6. The Wrath & The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
7. The Rose & The Dagger by Renee Ahdieh
8. Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike
9. Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu
10. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
11. Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
12. Wonder woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
13. Glitter by Aprilynne Pikes
14. Caraval by Stephanie Garber
15. The Undercurrent by Paula Weston

I actually think I need to downgrade a level here. I think a few of my challenges above are struggling due to the whole borrowing books when I've got piles and piles at home. 

What challenges are you participating in? Link to your challenge post below, and I will endeavour to support and cheer you on!