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Friday, 1 March 2013

Feature & Follow Friday

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

The Rules:-
  • You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
  • You MUST follow BOTH Featured Blogs of the week (linked below)
  • Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post 
  • Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts! 

This week's Featured Bloggers

Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you've done, that as you gained more experience you were like - oops?

Signing up to too many book tours. I did not know that I'd be allowed to participate in pretty much all the ones I signed up for, so I did not think to add the dates until I got accepted, now each time I sign up I put a tentative booking on my calendar so I don't request to participate in another tour on those dates.

Requesting way too many ebooks from Netgalley and not reviewing them in a timely manner. I now don't even look through Netgalley (I get too tempted) unless I've got space in my calendar to review them.


Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms said...

oh yes about the Netgalley requests. I am still really amazed when I get accepted for a book! And I only request books that I would have read anyway, but they do keep adding up.

I'm an old GFC follower, here's my FF post for this week.

Have a fantastic Friday :)

Unknown said...

I recently started to accept books for reviews. Haven't signed up with Netgalley yet since I use some of my free time to work on my book. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I'm glad you loved my answer! :)

Kaykay @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading :)

Liesel K. Hill said...

I've done the book tour thing, but I've never done Netgalley, just because I still own way too many to I need to read right now. I'll probably do it when I run out of books at my house. LOL. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. Now following you via GFC. Way cute banner/button, btw. :D

Unknown said...

Hi Angelica! I love your signature! Following back from the #FF hop :)

Unknown said...

In my month, I've learned that time management is crucial because it can quickly get out of control. Sounds like you've got a good system going!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
Here's My FF

Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

yea I was sending out plenty of blog tour requests when i just started too, good thing i balance well lol
Good answer!

old follower

Unknown said...

I still go through spurts where I request too much on NetGalley. I always think there is no way I am going to get approved for all of them...and then I end up with too many. :P

Unknown said...

Great choices! It's so easy to overbook yourself with tours. My calendar is my bible and if the dates are full for that tour then I'll pout, but turn it down. And it's way to easy to get too many books on Netgalley! The first one I got it took me a while before I was able to read it and before I realized it, I had missed putting up my review and it was too late. Now if I get a book from Netgalley or Edelweiss I make sure they're added to my schedule so I get them posted timely. Thanks for stopping by this week! Old follower :)
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

robgirlbooks said...

I'm learning how much bloggers take on their shoulders, tours, reviews, memes. Yikes! I have so many books waiting to be read, the only thing I can do is go out and get more. Terrible solution! Thanks for stopping by. Old follower here. Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

I am avoiding Netgalley like the plague!! I see way too many that I love and just don't have the time!

New Follower
Christyn @ The Book Cafe

Eve said...

I don't really know where to answer your question about the rating stuff, so I'm doing it here :D
I'd love to help if you still need it :) Just e-mail me to tell me exactly what you want and I'll see if I can help.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm a new follower. I also accepted to many review requests and did too many blog tours. Have a great weekend!

NovelReveries said...

Oh I toooootally do the NetGalley mistake too! Well, I request a lot, but I make sure that the publishing dates are well into the future (except last year when I had to read and review 5 books within the next week... that's when I started paying more attention to the dates, lol!) I've never done a blog tour (and quite frankly are unsure of what they are) but I hope to learn more about them :) Thanks so much for visiting!
-Novel Reveries

Alyssa said...

Hey hey! *waves*

That seems like a pretty common answer! I haven't had the experience of being on too many blog tours (I've been blogging for two months, and have been on like, four tours?). But I know now! :D

Thank you for following me! I've followed back via GFC :)

Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

Jackie said...

I absolutely love your blog!! :) I know how you feel about Netgalley, it can get tempting sometimes. New Follower :)

Here is My Feature and Follow Friday

Jackie @Jackie's Book World

Unknown said...

I haven't signed up for any book tours yet and I've only recently started to include reviews in my posts, so yes, I am indeed on a learning curve.

Thanks for dropping by my FF :)
Have a great weekend!

Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

Unknown said...

Angelica- I am guilty of the second. I haven't done any blog tours yet, but I'm glad I saw this before I went blog tour happy.

New Follower via GFC


Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I love your blog it is so cute! The design is awesome.

New follower!

Daphne said...

Haha I've done the same thing so many times! I have a whole notebook dedicated to scheduling events for my blog. xD

Thanks for stopping by! Old Follower.
Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

Unknown said...

I love Netgalley. I've always got to limit myself on those books.

New GFC Follower: kassandralopez32

Thanks for stopping by at

ChaiTime212 said...

New GFC follower! Love the layout :) my URL is Hope you get a chance to check my blog out :)

Bookingly Yours said...

I have netgalley account but I don't use it because I no longer read ebooks...

thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower here!

Happy Friday!

Bec @ Readers in Wonderland said...

I am very much guilty of going overboard on Netgalley. So many books there I request and then don't read. I am trying to get on top of it though

JezzebellJC said...

I had the same problem too because I didn't know it sometimes took 3 weeks or so to get back and I signed up for some more around the same time period. Needless to say, I'm doing 3 tours this week LOL. I also now put a tentative date on the calendar. Great answer :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

The Readdicts said...

Ah! I just feel so bad when I accept a book for review and am unable to have it read and reviewed on time! As for Blog Tours, we only participate in the ones we would really really love being a part of. :) Great answer!

Thank you so much for considering us to be featured on YA Blogoshpere, Angelica! I will email you shortly. I am excited about this! Thank you! ♥

Thanks for stopping by my F&FF earlier.

Happy reading and have a great weekend! :)

Sarika @ The Readdicts

Unknown said...

I try to limit tour reviews to one or two a week max. I'm almost totally done with Net Galley becasue they never tell you if you're requesting a totally uncorrected review copy (which I refuse to read) or an edited copy that just wants reviews (which I love to read).

Thanks for stopping by my FF! :)

Julie~ at New Adult Addiction and Clean Teen Reads

Zeee @ I Heart Romance and Other Things said...

I really like your blog! So cute!

I also have the same problem...and I still have the same problem!

Thanks for stopping by my blog
New follower via GFC
Zeee @ I Heart Romance

Goldie @ My Book Musings said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! You have a nice and sweet layout over here :)

Goldie @ My Book Musings

Naomi Hop said...

Yep... I calender all my stuff too, so it doesnt get too crazy!!

Thanx for visiting my FF!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
New Follower :)

Unknown said...

Love your blog! I am picky with what I will read so I haven't gotten too over my heads in books I need to read.

New follower!
Nook of Book Reviews


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