About The Book
So glad to meet you
by Lisa Super
Release Date: July 31st 2018
Publisher: Diversion Books
Genre: YA Contemporary
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Seventeen-year-old Daphne Bowman, a bookish drama nerd in public school, might never have crossed paths with Oliver, the popular, outgoing mascot for his private school's football team, but one event has bound them inextricably. Daphne's older sister, Emily, and Oliver's older brother, Jason, who were high school sweethearts, committed suicide together seven years earlier.
When Daphne uncovers Emily and Jason's bucket list—a list comprised of their "Top Ten" places to visit before they die—she knows she has to tell someone. The one person who might actually get what she's going through and who might not think it's silly that she wants to complete the list, is also someone she's never spoken to—Oliver Pagano. Throwing caution to the wind, Daphne sends Oliver a Facebook message that will come to change the course of both of their senior years—and maybe their entire lives.
Tackling grief with a wry voice and an unflinching eye, So Glad to Meet You tells the story of two people who, in searching for what they've lost, end up finding what they never knew they needed—each other.
~ Paperback Princess Blurb ~
So Glad To Meet You by Lisa Super is a tale of two teens as they go on a self-discovery adventure together, whilst trying desperately to outrun their grief.
Emily & Jason were childhood sweethearts, who seemed to have had it all, until they committed suicide together in Emily's family home.
Fast forward 7 years...
Daphne, Emily's younger sister finds a hidden bucket list created by Emily & Jason. Filled with emotional turmoil, Daphne reaches out to Jason's brother, Olly, in hope that they could work together to complete the bucket list for their long-lost siblings.
So Glad To Meet You is a beautifully written book, told in alternating points of views between the two main characters, along with flashbacks. This story touches on so many important themes, but somewhat still keeping it light enough for a YA audience. I really enjoyed the introduction to serious themes such as teen suicide, depression, anxiety and so much more. I don't feel that many books truly portray the emotional turmoil that most if not all teens go through sometime in their adolescent years.
This was a very character-driven book and a lot of my love for this book was because of the very well-written characters. I absolutely loved Daphne, a girl comfortable in her own skin, a what you see is what you get kind of girl. Olly was different, you may not like him immediately, but as the story continues and Lisa unfolds his character, we soon see who he truly is, and he's not what he seems at the beginning.
I quite enjoyed So Glad To Meet You, but I had hoped that Daphne and Olly actually travelled to complete the bucket list, having said that, I enjoyed their resourcefulness and interpretation of the list. I did feel a bit cheated in that department.
I also wished there were more flashbacks, I became heavily invested in Emily and Jason's story straight away and wish this was two tales intertwined into one, but I do understand that this was about Daphne and Olly's journey, I had just hoped because we got the window through flashbacks, introducing us to Emily & Jason, that they would have had more part in the novel, and I would have loved to have gotten a conclusion which gave me hope for Daphne & Olly, and closure and understanding for Emily & Jason's story.
So Glad To Meet You by Lisa Super is a wonderful book, that touches on serious but necessary themes, loveable and complex characters that will have you cheering them on till the very last page. A very character-driven young adult contemporary with a beautiful plot line that will move your heart strings not just for the love and grief, but everything else in between.
About the Author
Lisa Super
Lisa Super is a brunch enthusiast based in Los Angeles. She's worked on a number ofTVshows ranging from pop culture phenomenons (Flavor of Love) to traumedy gold (One Mis-sissippi). While every day inLAisan adventure, traveling with her husband across the globe isher favorite hobby. SO GLAD TO MEET YOU isher first novel
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